There was a lot of excitement in the villa today. Two stingrays popped by (for the toilet of course) and then very shortly afterwards, a huge eagle ray gracefully glided by. He was amazing and even swam into our private pool area. I must admit, I'm not intimidated by many animals, but when he kept swimming towards me and entered my comfort radius (a metre) I had to retreat up the steps. I went back in for a look again but he was off by then after winning his little power struggle...
Check him out though. I know the video is a bit of a let down as he doesn't feature but here he is, with my huge feet for size reference.

Now that I can embed videos (I hope they work but if not, visit my YouTube channel here) I'd like to show you two things. First is the ride home, which we do every day from breakfast and dinner if we choose to leave the ranch.
Second is a walkthrough of the villa itself. What a place, as I'm sure you'll agree.
Before the fact, I'll leave you with this image. Not a pretty sight... for me anyway! Amanda and I have been playing chess everyday and I hate to admit it, but she's getting good. And last night, she had her first victory, much to my dismay. Here is the check mate position and the smug grin on Mindy's face. Enjoy...

I'm sticking with sharks and rays for facts again as it is the highlight for me everyday. Sharks and rays are part of a group known as cartilaginous fishes. Every other fish is of the bony fish family. From an evolutionary point of view, bony fish are more closely related to humans than they are to the cartilaginous fish. Amazing hey?
But for a pub quiz fact, the largest cartilaginous fish, also the largest fish in the world, is the whale shark. A true gentle giant. The largest bony fish is also what I consider the weirdest looking fish there is. It is the giant mola mola or sunfish. Google it. You'll be amazed!
Dave Canavan MSc
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