We fly out with Emirates tomorrow with a quick change at Dubai and then we land in Rome where we meet my mam and dad and my sisters Vic and Hel. That will be great, and certainly makes leaving that little bit more bearable!
Chokdee was brushing up on his Italian this afternoon on the sun deck.

The only sentence in Italian I know is voray un bichiere du vino rosso per vevore. You can swap rosso for bianco but basically it means (I'm pretty sure), please may I have a glass of red/white wine. Works for me!
So let's sum up the Maldives quickly. It's hard to say a highlight as it has all been spectacular. Laamu was incredible and the lobster attack whilst snorkelling was pretty special. As was everything else there. The food, views, wine, people; everything. Awesome. At Gili, our Man Friday ' Gasim' has been a star throughout, making our stay amazing. For me, the daily sharks, stingrays and the two snakes I've seen have been the highlight. For Mindy, it has been the ocean views, the sun, the sea and the sand. Oh, and the amazing food too! The wine tasting and spa were a highlight for both of us and need mentioning. Something for everyone :-)
The Man o' War wound flared up on us both this morning and was like hundreds of concentrated mozzie bites all at once! The doctor came out and gave us pills and cream, best thing to do was wash the pills down with a champagne breakfast! So now we are quickly on the mend. Here is a pic of mine this afternoon.

Speaking of this afternoon, this is pretty much how Mindy spent her last day:

She moved to swim, drink her wine and turn over in the sun, but that's about the most of it. She's in a secret love affair with Jack Reacher and I find it's best to leave her to it :-)
We are expecting a full moon tonight. This was what we had last night and it was stunning. That's the moon, not the sun by the way, although we could have sworn we got a slight tan from it on the way to and from the bar!

38 have gone. I'm not a suspicious person by nature, but when I saw them emptying a bucket of what I think were Portuguese Man o' War off their sun deck just before their departure... good riddance! :-)
So that's us. Thank you all for reading when you have had time. I will continue the blog, but not on a daily basis as I'm assuming we wont be passing hours of the day doing sodd all! But it will be fun in Italy and Oman and there will be lots of stories to tell I'm sure. Drunken no doubt for the most part, but hopefully amusing.

So my final fact from the Maldives. More people die from coconuts falling on their heads than from shark or stingray attacks each year. In the water with the sharks I wasn't nervous a bit. Walking through the jungle paths to the bar I'm a wreck!!! On the stats note, I read a report from the BBC that more people die from snake bite each year than malaria or AIDS or other major killers. Now that is scary, and hopefully why I'll always be able to visit the Six Senses, to help them cope with their slithery companions.
Thanks again for reading. I wouldn't write it otherwise! Very much appreciated.
Over and out from me, Mindy and Chokdee from the Maldives.
Italy, be prepared because the Canavan's are a comin'...
Dave Canavan MSc
Location:Fithiroanu Magu,Hulhumalé,Maldives
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