I'm sure there actually is a name for a collection of raised lymph nodes. A 'mountain' of lymph nodes? A range maybe more fitting! Or an archipelago given where we are :-) Amanda's armpits are at least a hillside if not a mountain range (her lymph glands are swollen and painful under her arms). We have concluded that the Herpes and the swollen glands are simply a result of about a month or more of over indulgence and lack of sobriety! Ah well.
On a positive note, what a day we've had. Setting alarms is not really a done thing here, but when the alarm is set for an hour of snorkelling the reef before breakfast we made an exception. Much to Amanda's disappointment this morning but she saw the value as it was simply stunning, with a plethora of fish on display.
The day progressed well. We slept for a couple of hours after reading, and then went for a massage in the open air by the ocean. From there, we went for cocktails and chess and now we are back in the villa. It's raining and we have a wine and a beer on the go (Singha would you believe!) whilst we await our pizzas. Love it! And we have 4 more nights at Laamu!!!
Here is Chokdee in the shower where we are headed in a sec...

And Greg, you'll appreciate this... Here he is drinking an Aussie Shiraz!

For a fact of the day, here's a loose one....as the science isn't exact. But here goes: Approximately 80% of people are susceptible to the Herpes simplex virus and once are infected have it within their system for life. During periods of stress, fatigue etc. when your immune system is compromised, it reproduces and forms the ugly blisters we know as cold sores. Those 20% are bloody lucky sods!!!
Dave Canavan MSc
Location:Villa 42, Paradise
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