Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Virgin Post...

I am a blogger! Thanks to Kevin (the Dom provider) and Laurie (the silver Chingchok provider) I will be writing about my T.O.A.L (Trip Of A Lifetime) for anyone who wants to read it. I will also be adding my own thoughts about stuff in general and I'd like to think I'll include some sort of fact per day. So if you don't learn something whilst reading my blog, please email me and complain!

To start off the facts, here's a good one for you. Did you know, dolphins aren't actually fish? They're mammals! Of course you did. But....did you know they are the second most intelligent animal on the planet? You'd be amazed how many people ask what is the first. Humans take that mantle, although I've met a few dubious contenders.... :-) The intelligence thing is to do with brain to body size ratio and dolphins pip the chimps for the number 2 spot.

The reason I chose this as my fact of the day is that hopefully, when we arrive in the Maldives tomorrow evening, we will be greeted by a dolphin or two, swimming by wondering who these newcomers are...

My plan is to write a little every day so I hope you follow. There will also be pictures with any luck, should this iPad end up being worth the money!!!



  1. We will be following this blog with much interest Dave. Hopefully the greeting party will be swimming around on your arrival. xx P & C

  2. Looking forward (though tinged with lots of envy) to reading about your fabulous trip.
